Jay Brumbaugh Obituary and Funeral, Eden Emergency & Rescue Squad Member

On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, an online obituary was published informing people that Jay Brumbaugh, a member of the Eden Emergency and Rescue Squad, had unexpectedly gone away. The cause of death, however, was not made public.

On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, an online obituary was published informing people that Jay Brumbaugh, a member of the Eden Emergency and Rescue Squad, had unexpectedly gone away. The cause of death, however, was not made public.

Jay joined the Eden Emergency and Rescue Squad when the group started providing American Red Cross training to the general public in 1988.

It helped EEMS draw in exceptional residents who were motivated by a desire to practice medicine or give back to the community, like Jay and his son Steve, who also joined the organization.

Jay began to see early on that there was a growing desire to do more than just join and be a part of the group. As a driver and first responder, Jay’s main duties involved responding to EMS emergencies. He was very passionate about rescue.

see also:GoFundMe; Brady Doucette car accident, Brady Doucette Obituary and Funeral

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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